Philadelphia Museum of Art
Louise Arensberg, Gabrielle Buffet-Picabia, Beatrice Wood[?], Henri Pierre Roche, and Allen Norton
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Louise Arensberg, Gabrielle Buffet-Picabia, Beatrice Wood[?], Henri Pierre Roche, and Allen Norton
circa 1917
Collection No.
Buffet-Picabia, Gabrielle
Roché, Henri Pierre
Wood, Beatrice
Arensberg, Louise S. (Louise Stevens)
Scope note

Vol. 2, p. 10 [from left to right, top to bottom]: Photograph of Henri Pierre Roche and Louise Arensberg sitting, Allen Norton standing, and an unidentified man in an automobile in New York[?]; Photograph of Louise Arensberg in a New York City[?] park, circa 1917; Photograph of Henri Pierre Roche, Gabrielle Buffet-Picabia and Allen Norton in New York[?], circa 1917; Photograph of Louise Arensberg in Hollywood, California; Photograph of Louise Arensberg in a New York City[?] cafe, circa 1917; Photograph of Henri Pierre Roche sitting, Allen Norton standing and Gabrielle Buffet-Picabia in an automobile in New York[?], circa 1917; Photograph of Louise Arensberg and Beatrice Wood in New York[?], circa 1917; Photograph of Allen Norton and Gabrielle Buffet-Picabia in a New York City[?] cafe, circa 1917.

Geographic subject
New York City, United States
Photographic prints
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Library & Archives
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